You'd think that I would be alright with close family being in the hospital, since we are there so much with my dad. That is not the case and I found it out rather quickly this past week.
We took my dad into the VA on thursday for a routine check before his pacemaker surgery. That went fine, but when we had the unscheduled appointment with his podiatrist, everything changed. I thought he had gangrene when I saw the wound on his foot. It turned out to be a combination staph and strep infection. By monday, he was in surgery to have the front of his foot amputated. He's now in an area of the hospital where he will stay several weeks for rehabilitation and therapy.
While all of this was going on, mom stayed at our place. When I saw her thursday morning I could hardly believe my eyes. She was very bloated from water weight and could barely move. Honestly, I have no clue as to how she got them ready, into the car, and drove to our place. Her energy level was at 0and it took all of that and my full assistance to get her from the driver's seat to the rear passenger seat.
By saturday, we were headed to the ER with her because she was markedly weaker and had become jaundiced. That freaked me out. She looked like a yellow version of the Pillsbury doughboy.
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