Saturday, January 25, 2014

Oh the relief

I don’t think that I've ever been so happy for a two-week work period to be finished. There will not be another overnight remodel in my future for a very, very long time. It was one of the worst work experiences that I have encountered. Combine that with switching my medication and sleeping schedule and it was a recipe for disaster.

The mood swings and manic states were tough to manage, not only for me, but for Jen and others around me. Being out of control and trying to control things around me to create a sense of stability was a struggle. There were many times that I felt bad and had to go back to say I was sorry for my behavior. It has been a long time since those types of things have happened and I realize that I do not like feeling like this.

Jen and I were talking about how far I have come in being able to recognize and express how I am feeling. The past two weeks have shown me how far I have come in that department, but that I still have quite a way to go. It is good that I can see the progress, but oh so frustrating to also be able to understand that the road back is going to be a long and winding one.

Well, I guess I’ll follow some good advice and “put one foot in front of the other and soon you’ll be marching right along…”

Left step: get medication and sleep schedule back on track

Right step: start back on PT morning schedule

Left step: continue therapy
Right step: ??

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